Friday, May 31, 2019

Louis XIV and Peter The Great Essay example -- essays research papers

Research EssayAbsolute regulations like Louis xiv and Peter the Great strengthened at that place countries butweakened them economically. They made great improvements to the armies and social aspects of the kingdom. But when they were improvingall of these things it ended up costing them a great deal of money. Was it good to have a great army and government if everyone had no money? Absolutism is a political theory holding that all power should bevested in one ruler or other authority. Both Louis xiv and Peter the Great considered themselves to be absolute rulers and they had divine right.Louis xiv changed France in many ways. He helped and hurt the increment nation. In order to become a true absolute ruler Louis xiv needed to make sure that ll the power was contained in himself. So he did a very clever thing, he tookthe nobles power out of the government. And to make sure they didnt realize that their power was being taken away slowly he gave them positions in the army(doc.7). T his now made france a true absolute monarchy. All the power was now in louis xiv. He made all the decisions and no one could stop or disagree with him. Unlike the middle ages where the system of government was the feudal system and the nobles contained a great deal of power t...

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